miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

To start with...

         Nowadays, English education is an important issue around the world. That's why, English teachers need to constantly improve the ways in which they teach the language in order to call their students' attention. At the same time, it is important to mention that students need to be active participants in their learning process.

    It is widely recognized that teachers should be innovative at the time of teaching English, since traditional classes do not motivate the students. So, it is important to look for more interesting tools when facing a classroom. In this case, audiovisual aids are really useful, since it has been proved that they are a big help when learning a foreign language. 

     So, in this blog one will see some sources that can be used inside EFL classrooms as well as several comments regarding the use of these audiovisual aids. 
    Finally, all the students can learn by being exposed to audiovisual aids as well as any content can be covered. You just need to look for them and take them to your class! 

      Enjoy what you all are doing! :)
