Chilean education is characterized for being based on methodologies, which do not actively involve students in their learning process. In fact, they are based on the importance of grammar and rules, and errors are constantly judged. I mention this, since as traditional methodologies are used, teachers do not implement new ways of teaching English in Chilean EFL classrooms. This means that, they do not generally use alternative materials for the teaching of the new language.
This is really complex, since students do not feel motivated at the time of learning a foreign language, because there are no catchy materials for a better understanding of English. In this case, one can realize that there are some alternative materials and sources that can be used within Chilean EFL classrooms; I refer to audiovisual aids for the teaching of English.
Audiovisual aids have several advantages when talking about their importance in relation to English, since these kinds of materials are helpful to reinforce listening, reading, speaking and also, writing skills. So, teachers can have interesting activities which involve audio and visual materials. Moreover, these sources are attractive for students, since they are the ones that are in contact with this new way of learning; they are lively participants in their learning process.
However, it is important to mention that in some cases these sources are not used because of the lack of resources that some schools have, especially public ones. Sometimes, the teacher can have the best disposition to incorporate audiovisual aids into their class, but the reality is different. Maybe, this is a big disadvantage that audiovisual aids have in Chilean reality, since not all schools have the necessary required implementation to put these activities into practice. But, if the teacher insists on using these materials, they should do it finding alternative solutions.
Finally, it is really important to include alternative materials inside the classrooms, since the teaching of English in Chile needs to be updated. Communication is the final goal when learning a new language and that is something that teachers should not forget. That is why, they should look for activities that include everyone, especially students who want to share ideas, opinions and feelings.